
Gianluca Masia
Italia Managing Director Gentili Technology Equipment SRL Adjunct Faculty
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Gianluca Masia has been involved in business management, finance and control throughout all his professional career, after graduating in Economics and a full time MBA in Profingest (today BBS). He currently holds positions on the Board of Directors of HMC Premedical SpA and of the subsidiaries HMC Medical UK Ltd and Medicina Holdings Ltd and on the Board of Directors of Gentili Technology Equipment Srl. Until December 2020 also Managing Director on the Board of Gentili UK Ltd. Within the companies he acts as General Manager. He is also Director of Teikos Consulting, a management consulting company (Teikos Team group), within which he has completed numerous consultancy interventions. Since 2010 he has been an adjunct professor of Economics and Business Organization at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering. At BBS he teaches in the Administration & Control area and teaches in the “MBA Part-time (Serale)”.


Valutazione dell’andamento economico e finanziario aziendale attraverso l’interpretazione del Conto Economico, dello Stato Patrimoniale e del Rendiconto Finanziario. Analisi della dinamica finanziaria aziendale prospettica e consuntiva. Adozione di sistemi di pianificazione e controllo di gestione per le decisioni (Cost accounting) e per la gestione della delega.

MBA Serale