
Felice Pertignano
Italia Management Consultant IBM
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Felice ha una significativa esperienza in Omnichannel Marketing e Commerce. Collabora con brand leader in imprese differenti, retail, fashion, viaggi, servizi finanziari, manifatturiere, con focus sulla trasformazione digitale di customer engagement models, sia B2B che B2C. È Speaker per gli eventi IBM e ha pubblicato articoli su e-Commerce e Marketing Automation. È laureato in Business Management all’Università Luigi Bocconi a Milano, e ha un MBA conseguito all’ Henley Management Business School, UK.


In this course, students will learn how to create and manage the digital platforms commonly used to stimulate a direct contact between the company and the customers.

The contents of the course are:

  • Introduction to Information Systems and Data Base Management Systems, and understanding their role in an organization.
  • Use of a relational DBMS for storing, retrieving and processing data, use of the main query language: SQL.
  • The role of Information Systems in new media and the interactions between these ever developing platforms